Litha ritual instructions Kupala white nights English
Litha Ritual Instructions Excerpt from Brighid My Book of Shadows.ISBN 978-3-934978-21-8
The weel of the year also called witches sabbate are 8 evenly distributed stations in the cycle that the sun traverses in one year. They are divided into four sun festivals (Solstice Sabbath) and four moon ritual festival (Moon Esbat). The sun ritual festival is celebrated at the striking turning points of the sun, like day and night and solstice. The Mond Ritual festival lie exactly in between. So it turns out that every 6 1/2 weeks a weel of the year ritual festival takes place. We start the cycle to the Yule Ritual festival on December 21st, the day of winter solstice, because here the recurring light is celebrated. With the birth of the sun, nature's pregnancy begins and that is the beginning of all life. This results in the subsequent order. Samhain, Julfest, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasad, Mabon.
Sun ritual festival Litha June 21 (summer solstice) The solstice is very important for all of nature, From that day on, the arches of the sun become shorter and shorter and the days decrease in length and warmth. To celebrate your Litha ritual at home, you can use the Litha candle from Magic of Brigid use together with the Magic of Brigid Litha Oil. Litha Keywords: Solar power at the peak, Highest level, Longest day and shortest night, Festival of achievement, hope and expectation, Celebrating your own individuality and creativity, Focus on personal issues, Mid time Secret beginning of death, In the middle of the blooming life the seed of death is already laid, Nature's wedding, in which fertilization and procreation take place. As in the Germanic gods, Baldur said the sun god Hödur's mistletoe twig was hit dead. Suns turn fire blaze to the sky to the joy of the victorious ascent of the sun and their life-giving power, which will even increase in the next few months, because the end of summer is still far away. For us humans it is a celebration of the achieved of hope and expectation for that coming harvest. Sources link:
Ritual preparation First of all, it's important to take your time and first of all on the energies of the place, at which you perform your ritual. Afterwards it is discussed who who which part of the ritual would like to take over, if not one leads the whole ritual. Experience has shown that more groups create dynamics, if each part is taken over by a different ritual participant. Now the center of the intended circle an altar with a view to the east, because the sun and the moon rise there. Some also insist on choosing the north for the altar, because this direction of heaven stands for the earth on which we live and symbolizes power and strength. I personally prefer the East at Weel of the year ritual festivals, since the sun and moon are ritual festivals. On the altar we place a container with salt for the element earth. The incense burner with incense or incense for the element air. Our altar candle represents the element of fire. And the goblet with water, how else should it be for the water element. Now all elements are represented on the altar. This is important so that the elements if they are called into the circle, they have a place of residence, so to speak. The feasts that are enjoyed together at the celebration after the ritual you also place on or if there is not enough space, next to the altar. Dine hard at Litha: Dine fresh fruits and fruit, grill dishes. Altar ornament: summer flowers. The right stone for the festival would be the rutile quartz, a mountain crystal that has captured the rays of the sun. cleaning We now form a circle. The head of the ritual approaches the altar and centers itself. Then she / he takes the cup filled with water in the right hand with the words: Bless you spirit of water. Then he / she takes the salt container in his left hand with the words: Blessed be you spirit of the earth. Both arms are now raised to the sky to allow power to flow in. The following is spoken: Water and salt cleans our body and soul, frees us from all harmful things, give us your healing powers through the Force of the great spirit. So be it! Now the salt and water are put back on the altar. Then the ritual becomes a dagger in the right hand, in the left hand in the left hand and spoken: blessed be. Three pinches of salt are sprinkled into the water. With the dagger you then stir clockwise and say: May this dagger be cleaned May these vessels be cleaned May this altar be cleaned! Then you blow up a few drops with the dagger over the altar with the words: In the name of mother earth and the great spirit, so be it! The chalice is now passed clockwise from left to right and everyone takes a sip. In times of virus pandemics everyone uses their own goblet or drinking horn. Then each participant with an appropriate incense ritual, Cleaning frankincense or simple olibanum Smoked from the feet to the top of the head. Actions: Each participant can have a bouquet of sun flowers pick from seven different yellow flowering herbs, then keep illness and mischief at home, or weave a solstice belt made of St. John's wort, which then hangs dry and keeps unwanted guests away. A mugwort belt made of mugwort protects you from the sick all year round. The sun turns ostrich seven times drawn through the smoke of the fire and visualized how the power of fire and summer penetrate. The bouquet from the previous year is burned fire in the sun. Jump over the fire and shout your wishes out loud, so that they can come true. Lovers can do this wisely to achieve happiness or fertility. Or every participant gets a colorful fabric or crepe tape, then it becomes a Tree decorated. When tying the ribbon, you can make a wish.
Protection circle: Now that they're cleaned, you can draw a protective circle. This is done with the dagger ritual within the room they are in. From the east you go clockwise, so east, south, west, north, and you close the circle by ending in the east again. Start in the east: Guardian of the East, spirit of the air, that lets us breathe we ask you in this circle, give us your protection. So be it! And to the south: Guardian of the south, spirit of fire, that gives us light and warmth, we ask you in this circle, give us your protection. So be it! Now it goes to the west: Guardian of the West, Spirit of the Water, that soaks and purifies us we ask you in this circle, give us your protection. So be it! Finally to the north: Guardian of the North, Spirit of the Earth, that feeds us we ask you in this circle, give us your protection. So be it! The circle is now closed due to the walk to the east. In conclusion, the following is said: All you beings that you have now come protects us from all negative entities and energies. Banish all evil spirits from this circle, so that we can open ourselves to the good. So be it! Opening the protection circuit: After the ritual part is over, the protection circuit is opened again. The one who drew the protection circle now dissolve it again. This is done again with the dagger ritual, but this time counterclockwise starting in the east with the words: Guardian of the east, spirit of the air, we thank you that you came to this ritual and have given us your protection. Further north: Guardian of the north, spirit of the earth, we thank you that you came to this ritual and have given us your protection. Further to the west: Guardian of the West, Spirit of the Water, thank you that you came to this ritual and have given us your protection. Further south: Guardian of the south, spirit of fire, we thank you that you came to this ritual and have given us your protection. Ending again in the east: All you being you through the energy of this ritual was attracted goodbye and go back there where you came from So be it! So let us go according to old custom cheerfully celebrate this festival. Now the cozy part begins with eating, Drink, music and dance. Litha witches ritual festival June 21st summer sun turn Kupala Link:
8150li Litha Wheel of the Year Candles in glass Link:
Litha Summer Solstice Greetings Купала English Video
Litha Kupala Купала Sommersonnenwende German Video
Texts are copyright at Brighid by Magic of Brighid Item No .: 11014 My book of shadows exclusive edition. Personal book of the shadows by Brighid as an exclusive edition. With many instructions for various rituals and valuable advice on herbs, oils, incense and stones. Nur in deutsch erhältlich. Available only in German language. Disponible uniquement en langue allemande. Disponibile solo in lingua tedesca. Die Herstellung der Neuausgabe ist fertig im Mittelalter Antik Design Gedruckt mit neuem Hardcover Einband Book of Shadow Antik von Brighid. Book of Shadow, Grimoire. ISBN 978-3-934978-21-8 Shop Link:
My Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition Antique in German Video Instructions Book of Shadows Attention English language start from the middle of the videos
Witchcraft Books Book of Shadows German Link:
Hexenkalender, Witches Calendar, Sorcières Calendrier, Streghe Calendario Link:
Ivan-Kupala (Russian Иван-Купала) July 21 to 7 Ivan Kupala has pagan roots. The day faces Korotschun, the festival of winter solstice. In Poland the festival is called (Noc Świętojańska) of St. John the Baptist, celebrated June 24th. The Slavic midsummer is night until modern times known as a spectacular pagan festival. Many of Ivan Kupala's customs are with water, fire, unfolding magical powers of plants and self-cleaning. It is common for young women to wreath braided flowers decorated with candles settle in rivers and based on their drifting in the water read your own future. Another custom is the jumping of young couples over a camp fire. After three successful jumps, you should practice accordingly, celebrate wedding in the same year. There was an old belief that on the night of Ivan Kupala the only time of year is when ferns bloom for a very short time. Anyone who finds a fern flower on Ivan Kupala should be able to see all the treasures hidden in the earth with the help of the blossom. That is why a lot of people were looking for in the woods on Ivan Kupala for blooming magical ferns. On these days the light is celebrated the victory over the dark. There are two special villages in Belarus where the White Russians Dudutki and Strochitsy celebrate the Kupala night. The villages are near Minsk, and they organize that day various concerts and games. The most important thing is to believe in things that you want to wear in your life.
Ivana Kupala Night English Video
Ivan Kupala: folk traditions of Ukraine video
Kupala Night Video
Ukraine celebrates feast of Ivan Kupala English video
White nights from late May to mid-July. In Germany you can experience the spectacle in a weakened form on Sylt. White nights around the summer solstice. The St. Petersburg White Nights party around the clock is famous. A magical light dominates the Russian metropolis around the clock and leaves no one untouched. At that time, St. Petersburg is the most romantic place in the world. In late May to mid-July the sun in St. Petersburg does not go down completely, so that it stays bright even at night. The day has an average of 19 hours and the longest white night falls on the 21./22. June. People celebrate, dance, sing, laugh and drink. Many gather on the banks of the Neva and pop champagne corks. Scarlet Sails St. Petersburg German Video Gigantic Fireworks St. Petersburg German Video
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