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Essential oils and their effects
This page should be in short,
inform about short sentences,
how she pure,
Can use essential oils for their wellbeing
and all by the way in the fragrance lamp,
because only then do the effects given below refer.
Under no circumstances can essential oils
spare the trip to the doctor and I warn at this point
To ignore alarm signals from the body.
But some minor ailments
can disappear in this natural way,
because you really don't have to do anything
right to the medicine cabinet.
And there are wonderful scents,
which are a real feast for the senses.
But scent is not just scent, because scent
and perfume oils develop in the fragrance lamp
great smells,
but the effect on body, mind and soul
is not given,
because they're made from chemical flavors,
and only nature can work.
I call it the spirit of the plant
which flows for the benefit of mankind.
So make sure that the label says
that it is a naturally pure essential oil
and that the Latin name is given.
So you can be sure
that they take an oil home with them,
that serves them well.
I recommend that you only use the oils externally,
because improper use can also lead to damage here,
because it is highly concentrated substances.
It is better to leave the internal application to the experts.
A fragrance lamp is sufficient to achieve an effect.
Depending on the size of the bowl,
that they fill with water first,
7-15 drops of oil into it,
light a tealight below
and sit back and relax.
This act already creates an atmosphere of comfort.
If you don’t want to pour water again and again,
when buying, make sure
that the bowl is as big as possible
and the distance from the candle to the bowl is not too small.
Then you can use the lamp once
let it burn unattended,
provided there are no children or pets in the room.
Should you have to add water,
please only use warm water,
so that there is no tension
and the glaze or the whole bowl breaks.
A bath in which essential oils are put is also wonderful.
Take some cream or honey with it
a shot glass full,
add 20 drops of your desired oil,
and stir it around.
This is how the oil mixes with the water
in the tub and not only floats on the surface.
First pour the mixture into the tub
after it's already full
so that the active ingredients do not escape too early.
A body and massage oil can also be a boon.
Take 100 ml of cold-pressed base oil e.g. B. Jojobaoel,
Almond oil etc. and add 5 ml of essential oil.
This corresponds to approximately 100 drops.
It is an advantage
if you already have a small collection of essential oils,
because then you can create wonderful mixtures.
But please make sure
that the effects of the oils are not opposite.
Or just mix your favorite perfume,
preferably drop by drop.
Use jojoba oil as a basis
or for an Eau de Cologne 90% wine spirit.
Mix to 50 ml of 5 ml of essential oils.
Shake the whole thing briefly and
let it stand in a dark place for a week,
so that the fragrance can ripen.
That's it on the topic of essential oils from Magic of Brighid
and I can only give them all the best
wish with the spirit of the plant.
Just give it a try!
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