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Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition.

11014 My Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition. Dimensions: 30 cm x 22 cm x 4 cm, 250 pages ISBN 978-3-934978-21-8 Only available in German. Available only in German language. Disponible uniquement en langue allemande. Disponibile solo in lingua tedesca.Link:

The production of the new edition is ready Printed in the Middle Ages Antik Design with new hardcover cover.

The book of shadows is nothing but a witches diary, in which all magical experiences, recipes and other personal witches know to be written down.

For the sake of simplicity, it is circled in witches as BdS abbreviated. For every witch is her personal book something very special, that she usually does not give out of her hands.

My Book of Shadows Exclusive Edition Antik in German Video Instructions Book of Shadows Attention English language start from the middle of the videos

1- Willkommen bei Brighid -Buch des Schattens- Autorin Link: 2- Hexennachrichten Link: 3- Inhalt Sitemap Links Link: 4- Witch Circle Youtube Link: 5- Magic of Brighid Youtube Link: 6- ANDERSWELT Youtube Link: 7- Rauhnaechte Julfest Wintersonnenwende Yule Link:

8- Imbolc Hexenfeste Sabbat de Sorciere Link: 9- Ostara Ritual Hexenfest Link: 10- Beltane Ritual Walpurgisnacht Feuer Hexentanz Link: 11- litha Midsommar Sommersonnwende Kupala Link: 12- Lughnasadh Lammas Mondfest Link: 13- Mabon Link: 14- Halloween Samhain Link: 15A- Halloween Party Halloweenrezepte Link:

15B-Halloween Video Gruesse Link:

16-Hexenserien Hexenvideos Link:

17- Hexenbücher Buch der Schatten Grand Grimoire Link: 18- Vollmondritual Blutmond Hexenmond Link:

19- Was ist eine Hexe ? A propos des Sorcieres Link:

20- Hexen Initiations Ritual Sorciere Initiation Link:

21- Hexen Rezepte Hexen Elixiere Hexenzauber Link:


22- Magic of Brighid Händler Liste Informationen Link:

25-Hexenkalender Witch Calendar Link:

26-Hexen Android APPs Link:

27-Happy New Year Greetings Videos Sylvester Ursprung Link:

28-Figurenkerzen, Magische Glaskerzen, Liebeszauber Link:

29-Mistel Magie, Mistelhexen, Liebeszauber Link:

30-Paranormal, Telekinese Link:

31-Gothic Wave Gotik Treffen Leipzig Link:

32-Voodoo Santería die Magie aus Kuba Link:


90-Translate Page all Witch-sabbath Francais Italia English Link:

92- Witch Circle Magic of Brighid Anderswelt Youtube Channel link:

8 Jahreskreisfeste Wheel of the Year Candle Solstice PDF Download Link:

Hexenserien Hexenvideos Link:



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